Schedule subject to change between now and the workshop.
9:00-9:10: Welcome by the organizers.
9:10-09:55: Clustered overview on the different perspectives from the accepted position papers. Each participant will have 3 minutes to present the “main idea” of their paper and they will be free to use any medium of their choice that best conveys their idea (slides, demo, enactment etc.).
9:55-10:20: Talks on “Simulating Future Reality” by Ken Perlin (NYU) and “Playful Interaction Techniques in VR” by Misha Sra (MIT Media Lab).
10:20-10:35: Talk on “AR/VR social collaboration” by Blair MacIntyre (Georgia Tech, Mozilla)
10:35-10:45 Coffee break
10:45-11:30: Participants will be divided into groups of 3 to 5. Each group will brainstorm solutions for a collaborative VR/MR scenario (e.g., design an interaction mechanism for a two-player game underwater). There will be at least one organizer at each table as facilitator.
11:30-12:30: Each group will have 8 minutes to present their idea followed by 7 minutes for questions and discussion (assuming 6 groups in total).
12:30-13:30 Lunch (organizers will arrange a lunch outing for the workshop participants)
13:30-14:00: Talks on “Interaction and Narrative” by Luiz Velho (IMPA) and “Instinctual Interaction” by Mark Bolas.
14:00-14:30: Open discussion on how and if VR/MR and related technologies can be used for studying/understanding/solving challenges related to energy, medicine, food, cities, brains, wellbeing, race, sex/gender, aging, entertainment, design, and more. The organizers would like to take notes during this session and make them available on the workshop website.
14:30-15:00: Individual brainstorming session (10 minutes) on exploring and finding the most interesting and compelling things to prototype (for some this may be inspired by Science Fiction), to answer the question “What have you always wanted to see become real?” Then we will build groups of 3 to 5 people, and each person will present their idea to the group. The group will choose one idea for further discussion and elaboration.
15:00-15:30 Coffee break
15:30-16:30: Each group will sketch a “napkin prototype” of a VR/MR scene/experience inspired by their favorite Science Fiction (or other) storyworld, character or artifact (30 minutes). The organizers will provide some basic prototyping materials like paper, tape, popsicle sticks, clay etc.
16:30-16:50: Each group will present their idea and will have a maximum of 3 minutes to do so. They will need to explain what it is, what it does, how it works, and how it could be done today, i.e., what parts and processing exist today that would allow you to make it. Everyone will vote and at the end of the presentations, we will announce the winning group.
16:50-17:00: Wrap up on what the future might look like for novel interaction techniques for collaboration in VR/MR, actions for follow-up activities (summary report to be published on the website).
After 17:00: After workshop ends, informal discussion and brainstorming will continue during drinks and dinner.